Noah Hansen

Hello there, I am a 4th year undergraduate student at Michigan Technological University studying for my B.S. in Cyber Security with an expected graduation in 2025. I have had numerous experiences working in industry with a focus on API Security, if you would like to contact me please feel free by either though LinkedIn, text, or email.

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About Me


I have had a passion for technology since a young age, with a particular interest in handheld devices and smartphones. This passion deepened in 5th grade when I received a Raspberry Pi for Christmas, which sparked an interest in building custom Minecraft servers and experimenting with networking, API development, and website building. As I entered high school, I continued to explore various aspects of computer science, programming, and networking. I took classes in computer science and programming, built my own gaming PC, and kept up to date with new technologies. My interest in cyber security and hacking emerged during my junior year of high school and I switched to using Linux full-time. I honed my skills by participating in online Capture the Flag (CTF) challenges and built a home lab environment with my roommate. Additionally, in 2020, I earned my COMPTIA A+ certification, which further solidified my knowledge and understanding of computer hardware and software. I am currently a student at Michigan Technological University, pursuing a degree in Cybersecurity with a concentration in Network Security. I am excited to continue developing my knowledge and skills in the field and to see where my passion for technology will take me in the future.


Amway (2023-2023):

In May 2023, I began my Internship in Amway's SOC as part of their engineering team. The main objective I had as part of my internship was to perform a threat gap analysis on Amway's overall security posture. I was able to identify gaps in Amway's systems and recommend mitigation techniques to ensure future security. Amway's internship program was quite comprehensive and gave myself along with the other interns excellent opportunities to network both within the company but also to other local companies like Meijer.

Ford (2022-2022):

In May 2022, I began an internship at Ford’s Cyber Defense Center, working on the Automation and Tools team. One of my main projects was to audit Ford’s supplier connections, which was a time-consuming and tedious task. Recognizing the opportunity for improvement, I decided to take initiative and wrote a python script in my free time to automate the process. After a few hours of development, I shared my proof of concept with my partner and we presented it to both my supervisor and the project team. They were impressed with my initiative and encouraged me to continue developing the script. The automation I developed enabled us to drastically reduce the time required for the project, from 60+ hours to just 5 minutes, which was well received by both my supervisor and the project team. When my internship ended, I made sure that all the code was well-documented and the project team had complete access and understood how the code worked, to ensure its continuation.

Sun and Snow (2020-2021):

In October 2020, I began working for Sun and Snow Sports, a company that specializes in outdoor sports equipment. The owner had a general idea of what he wanted, which was to create a new website that was nearly identical to the current one, but with an e-commerce system. I spent some time getting familiar with both the new and old systems, and then began working on the website. After getting the website into a working state, I imported items from their inventory management system (IMS) and customized each item individually to meet the required specifications.

Student Information Technology Services: (2020-2021)

During my senior year of high school, I had the opportunity to participate in a charity project as part of my Cyber Security class. The project was led by my teacher, Scott Obsniuk and involved building and debugging over 30 computer systems. I was responsible for properly destroying data on donor hard drives before setting up the computers with various operating systems depending on the age of the computer and the intended use. This experience allowed me to gain hands-on experience in building and debugging computer systems, as well as understanding the importance of securely wiping data before disposing of computer equipment.